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Welcome to Demo Day!

We are TEAM 7 CVEN! This is our Tukko 1.1 demo!

About our assignment

Welcome to the Future Factory 2024 Demo Day on April 15th, a spotlight on Team Cven's work on the Tukko Traffic Visualizer Application.

The project goal was to further develop the Tukko Traffic Visualizer which was originally created by IoTitude in WIMMA Lab 2023 for Combitech. The application provides traffic data visualizations on a map by utilizing public traffic APIs, particularly Digitraffic.

What we have been developing?

Tukko demo image

  • User Account Creation and Authentication FEA102: Users can create an account and securely log in to the web app. We leverage React's authentication modules to ensure a secure authentication process.
  • Favorite LAM Stations FEA103: Users can save their favorite LAM stations to their account for easy access and personalized data viewing.
  • Data Export to CSV FEA201: Data analysts can export data directly to CSV format from the database. This feature is designed to be accessible through the frontend, although we're open to discussing external solutions.
  • Automated Security Testing Pipeline FEA405: Our development process incorporates an automated security testing pipeline that identifies and reports security issues in real-time.
  • Implement automated build and deployment pipeline FEA506: This feature integrates CI/CD pipelines for the frontend and backend repositories. It automates the process of building Docker images and pushing them to the GitLab container registry. After this, the images are automatically deployed to either the staging or production environments.

What should be tested?

  • Try to create a user account or log in if you already have one: FEA102.
  • Explore the features such as saving your favorite LAM stations: FEA103.

About our technical implementation and focus areas

The demo we're presenting is not the final product but a snapshot of our ongoing progress and the potential of the full application. We aim to showcase a selection of features that underscore our technical prowess and vision for the future. All features are carefully selected to show the intricate technical work done.

  • Team skill
Name Description Company / entity Task Responsibilities Link
Matias Korpela OPS Cven / Backend development, customer integration LinkedIn
Nuutti Viita-aho SEC Cven / Security management, data protection LinkedIn
Ummar Ahmed TEST Cven / Quality assurance, testing protocols LinkedIn
Aleksandr Skakun General Cven / Cross-functional support, project management LinkedIn
Megan Spielberg DEV Cven / Software development, feature implementation LinkedIn
Kalle Vaimare Team Lead Cven / Leadership, strategic planning LinkedIn
  • Focus areas

Fix bugs with Data Export to CSV FEA201 and make it work in production.

Give some feedback?

We at Team Cven are eager to get transparent and honest feedback about our demo showcase. Your insights and opinions are incredibly valuable to us as they help shape our product's future development. We're committed to creating a user-friendly application that will exceed the expectations of both our users and our clients. Your feedback is crucial for us to ensure our product is not only effective but also enjoyable and intuitive to use. Please share your thoughts on what worked well and what could be improved, covering aspects such as design, functionality, user interface, or any other area you feel is important. Down below is a link where you can give feedback about our showcase, if the embeded link does not show click from here Forms link