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FEA517 Test Case

Test Case description Have maintainable documentation.
Test Case ID FEA517-TC01
Author/Designer Developer
Date of creation 25.3.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

To verify that the Maintainable Documentation feature accurately maintains version control for project documents.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state

Logged in to GitLab

Test steps

  1. Create a New Document:
    • Navigate to the documentation section of the OPF system.
    • Click on the option to create a new document.
    • Enter the necessary details (title, description, etc.) and save the document.
  2. Edit the Document:
    • Open the previously created document.
    • Make edits to the content (e.g., add, delete, or modify text).
    • Save the changes to the document.
  3. Verify Version History:
    • Access the document's version history or revision control feature.
    • Check that the system accurately records the initial creation of the document as version 1.0.
    • Verify that the edits made in step 2 are captured as a new version with appropriate version numbering (e.g., 1.1, 1.2, etc.).
  4. Rollback to Previous Version:
    • Select a previous version from the version history.
    • Confirm that the document reverts to the selected version, displaying the content as it existed at that point in time.
    • Ensure that the rollback action does not affect other versions of the document or its associated metadata.
  5. Restore to Latest Version:
    • Return to the most recent version of the document.
    • Confirm that all recent edits are reflected in the content.
    • Ensure that the restoration process does not result in loss of data or inconsistencies.
  6. Collaborative Editing:
    • Invite another user to collaborate on the document.
    • Simultaneously edit the document with the invited user.
    • Verify that changes made by both users are tracked and reflected in the version history accurately, maintaining the integrity of the document.

Test end-state All test steps execute successfully without encountering errors or deviations from the expected behavior.

To be taken into account during test

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The system should accurately record the creation of new documents and subsequent edits as distinct versions. Each version should be appropriately numbered and timestamped to reflect the sequence of changes. Rollback and restoration functionalities should successfully revert the document to the selected version without data loss or errors. Collaborative editing should be supported, with changes from multiple users tracked and synchronized in the version history.
  • FAIL condition:
    Version control features do not accurately capture document changes or fail to display version history. Rollback or restoration actions result in data loss, corruption, or inconsistencies. Collaborative editing leads to conflicts or discrepancies in the document's version history.