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FEA407 Test Case

Test Case description Verify that access with password and root login is denied
Test Case ID FEA407-TC001
Autohor/Designer DEV
Date of creation 18.03.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

Attempt to establish a connection to the server using Putty. Verify that access with password and root login is denied.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state

  • Ensure Putty is installed on the testing system.
  • Ensure proper configuration for SSH access to the server.

Test steps

  1. Launch Putty application.
  2. Enter the server IP address or hostname.
  3. Select SSH as the connection type.
  4. Attempt to connect with a username and password.
  5. Note the result.
  6. Attempt to connect as root.
  7. Note the result.

Test end-state

  • After running the test, the server should refuse connection attempts via Putty with password authentication and root login.

To be taken into account during test

  • Ensure proper network connectivity.
  • Ensure Putty is configured correctly.
  • Ensure server settings are configured to disallow password authentication and root login.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS: Server refuses connection for both password authentication and root login.
  • FAIL: Server allows connection with either password authentication or root login.