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FEA201 Test Case

Test Case description Verify the functionality for exporting data to CSV format from the database
Test Case ID FEA201-TC01
Author/Designer Developer
Date of creation 25.3.2024
Class functional

Test description / objective

Verify the functionality for exporting data to CSV format from the database

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state

Tukko frontend and backend containers should be up and running.

Test steps

  1. Press the CSV export button
  2. Wait for web browser to serve and download the file
  3. Check the content of the file to ensure that the data was successfully exported from the database

Test end-state

The file in CSV format is successfully downloaded to the user's computer. The file contains informaciton about tms stations from the database.

To be taken into account during test

Check the content of the file that was downloaded because in some cases the file can be downloaded even with internal server error, but it will contain the error message {"message":"Internal server error"} instead of the data.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: File is downloaded and contain tms data

  • FAIL condition: File download failed or the content of the file doesn't contain tms data