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Requirement Specification

Document Requirement Specification
Specification name Tukko Doc
Author: Ummar Ahmed & Kalle Vaimare & Matias Korpela
Version: 1.0
Date: 20.2.2024

Some guidelines for writer of requirement specification


Our assignment for the Future Factory project is commisioned by combitech Oy. We are working on their open source visualizer service Tukko-Traffic Visualizer. Tukko features a React-based user interface with mapping tools using Leaflet, along with multiple plugins such as Geoman and Cluster markers. The user interface includes custom icons, popups, and tooltips to convey information intuitively. For more interested users, there is also more in-depth information available. The development for Tukko follows best practices, including a strict ruleset maintained by TypeScript and ESLint. While described as a complete product, the passage mentions that the team had many ideas left unfulfilled due to time constraints.


Combitech, as the client, has commissioned the creation of the traffic visualizer project and retains control and ownership over its requirements. This requirement specification is a crucial document that details Combitech's specific demands, characteristics, and capabilities expected in the traffic visualizer. It acts as a foundational reference for dialogue between Combitech and the development team, guaranteeing that the completed project corresponds with Combitech's expectations.

About the author and project team

Team Cven 2024, an integral part of Future Factory, comprises junior developers with a passion for coding and continuous learning. Their collective goal is to elevate their skills in full-stack and backend development. Alongside them, junior testers actively engage in ongoing learning to stay abreast of the latest technologies. This collaborative effort, blending diverse skills in coding, project management, test management, and testing, culminates in the successful delivery of projects. Moreover, the team includes key roles crucial to the project's success. The Backend Operational Manager oversees and optimizes backend processes, ensuring efficiency and reliability. The Security Specialist focuses on implementing robust security measures to safeguard against potential threats. The Generalist contributes versatility across various project aspects, demonstrating adaptability. Lastly, the Team Lead provides guidance and leadership, steering the team towards success by fostering collaboration and aligning project goals. Despite their collective achievements, the team acknowledges that some ideas remain unrealized due to time constraints.

Short description of service/solution

Our web-based traffic visualization tool offers a seamless, user-oriented experience for monitoring real-time traffic conditions and discovering the quickest paths between destinations. This application merges data from trustworthy sources to present a current snapshot of traffic congestion and road blockages, aiding users in making well-informed travel choices. The interface, featuring an easy-to-use map, showcases traffic intensity through color-coded indicators: red for heavy traffic and green for clear roads. Users have the flexibility to zoom into specific areas, gaining insights into traffic severity on preferred routes. This tool empowers individuals to effortlessly plan their routes, evade traffic snarls, and enjoy more efficient and relaxed journeys.

Business requirements / goals?

ReqID Description
BUSINESS-REQ-0001 The Traffic Visualizer is designed for utmost simplicity, ensuring easy use for even those with no computer experience. This approach ensures that our service is accessible and straightforward for all users, facilitating stress-free travel planning for everyone. (update)
BUSINESS-REQ-0002 The Traffic Visualizer website is designed with inclusivity in mind, ensuring it's accessible and user-friendly for all, regardless of individual conditions or abilities. (update)

Stakeholder map


Stakeholders and profiles

Stakeholde/profile Info / Link to description Motivation?
Cven Cven website Has been assigned the responsibility of developing the Traffic Visualizer website by Combitech.
Combitech Combitech They are keen to discover what Team Cven can achieve.
End user 1 Person 25-50 Years old Desires a stress-free commute to work without the concern of encountering traffic jams.
End user 2 Person 21-65 Years old Prefers a daily drive to her workplace without the stress of navigating through traffic jams.

Customer story's as background information

User 1, Alena, is a daily commuter who drives to work each day. She depends on our traffic visualizer to strategically plan her routes and avoid congestion. Using the application, Alena quickly assesses real-time traffic conditions before leaving home. By identifying areas with traffic jams, she can efficiently select the fastest route to her office. Thanks to Traffic Visualizer, Alena consistently arrives at work punctually and with reduced stress

User 2, Hari, is a tourist exploring a new city. He aims to discover various attractions without the inconvenience of traffic delays. Hari accesses our traffic visualization service on his tablet and chooses the area he intends to explore. The map presents up-to-date information on traffic flow, enabling Hari to opt for routes with lighter congestion. By utilizing the service, Hari optimizes his time exploring the city, visiting attractions, and immersing himself in the local culture while minimizing the frustration of being stuck in traffic.

Customer need

ReqID Description
CUSTOMER-REQ-0001 As a user, I desire the ability to select dark mode for the application.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0002 As a user, I want UI selections to feature a collapsible menu that displays only titles, allowing for expansion.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0003 As a user, I wish to choose a high-contrast version of the map.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0004 As a user, I want the capability to search for a city using text search.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0005 As a user, I expect the application's performance to be optimized.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0006 As a user, I want the ability to zoom to a marker or a selected area by clicking it.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0007 As a user, I prefer tooltips to display a minimalistic info view, with the option to reveal more information upon clicking.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0008 As a user, I want to view traffic data in a heatmap format.
CUSTOMER-REQ-0009 As a user, I desire the ability to highlight roads for a clearer view.

Customer Journey paths in Service/solution


Preliminary User Storys

User Story ID Description Solution
US002 As a user, I want to be able to create an account and securely authenticate myself to the web app. React has modules for user authentication.
US003 As a data analyst, I want to export data to csv from the database. Optimal would be through the frontend but external solutions can be discussed.
US004 As a customer I want secure authentication mechanisms, such as password hashing and session management, to protect user accounts. Security is important on the backend.
US005 As a user, I want to save some favourite LAM stations to my account. Yes.
US006 As a user, I want data analytics pipelines that process and transform the raw traffic data into meaningful information. Graphs.
US017 As a developer, I want to regularly scan the codebase and dependencies for known security vulnerabilities and address them promptly. Check for known CSEs.
US018 As a developer, I want to enforce secure coding practices, such as input validation and output encoding, to prevent common security vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Read title.
US019 As a developer, I want to have an automated security testing pipeline that detects and reports security issues during the development process. Yes.
US020 As a developer, I want to have different environments (staging, testing, production) with automated deployments to ensure smooth and controlled releases. At least staging and production so the increment can be tested before deploying.
US021 As a developer, I want to set up a CI/CD pipeline that automatically builds, tests, and deploys the web app to different environments, such as staging and production. Yes.
US027 As a platform engineer, I want to set up a scalable and resilient infrastructure using containerization, such as Docker, to ensure easy deployment and management of the web app. Dockerize everything.
US029 As a platform engineer, I want to implement an automated build and deployment pipeline using tools like GitLab CI/CD to streamline the release process and ensure consistent deployments. Do.
US030 As a platform engineer, I want to configure and manage a cloud-based infrastructure, such as CSC Pouta server, to ensure high availability and scalability of the web app. Use CSC Pouta for this project.
US038 As a developer, I want to have automated tests for both frontend and backend code to ensure the reliability and correctness of the web app. Robot Framework and browser-library.
US039 As a developer, I want to set up continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) pipelines to automate the testing and deployment processes. RF scripts running in the pipeline.
US040 As a tester I want to implement Robot Framework and browser libraries. Robot Framework.
US056 As a security specialist I want to harden all the containers. Docker Hardening.
US057 As a security specialist I want to have controls over who can access the server. SSH / MFA / don't allow root login / etc.
US060 As a product owner I want the testing to include exploratory testing. Check out maaretp stuff about exploratory testing.
US061 As a team member I want to have maintainable documentation. Make sure it's easy to keep up to date.

Selected Use Cases of service/solution

During User interactions with the service, various service-related interaction events occur. The most crucial scenarios involving the use of the service/solution are depicted in the following diagram. A common method for defining these scenarios is through Use Case descriptions. Use Case diagrams have been created using scripts to visually represent and outline the key interactions and functionalities of the service. These diagrams serve as a valuable tool for understanding and documenting the different ways users engage with the service, providing a comprehensive overview of the system's behavior and functionality.


Use Case Domain
.. ..

Preliminary MockUp-prototype layouts for solution/service

The image showcases preliminary Mockup-prototype layouts for the envisioned service/solution. These visual elements provide a tangible representation of the service's features and functions, particularly focusing on the user interface layout. In the realm of web design, these early design visions are commonly referred to as "Mockups." Mockups play a crucial role in validating the shared understanding between the development team and the customer, ensuring alignment in design expectations. Additionally, they serve as valuable tools for assessing the required functionalities within specific use cases. By exploring various layouts and visualizations, the Mockups unveil hidden needs, contributing to the refinement of the requirements specification for a more comprehensive design.

Demo version


System requirements

RequirementsID Description
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0001 Frontend server has to have at least 4 VCPUs
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0002 Backend server has to have at least 4 VCPUs
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0003 Frontend server memory capacity has to be at least 2GB
SYSTEM-HW-REQ-0004 Backend server memory capacity has to be at least 2GB Frontend

Constraints and standards that affect on service design

ReqId Description
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00000 End user data shall be handled in a way that complies with EU GDPR Act
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00001 The service should be accessible by Directive (EU) 2019/882
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00002 Service design should take into account the agreed-upon service levels and performance metrics that will be used to monitor the service's performance.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00003 The service must be designed with usability in mind to ensure that it is easy to use and understand.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00004 The design of the service must take into account the technical constraints and opportunities presented by available technology.
CONSTRAINT-REQ-S00005 The service design must consider the ability of the service to integrate with other systems and technologies as necessary

Service primay features and functionalities

uml diagram

Priorization of essential features / functions

  • P1 = Mandatory
  • P3 = Required
  • P5 = Nice to have
Priority ID Feature Description
P1 - Must Have FEA516 Manual Testing
P1 - Must Have FEA102 Securely authenticate user accounts
P1 - Must Have FEA103 Save favourite LAM stations to user account
P1 - Must Have FEA403 Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities
P1 - Must Have FEA505 Configure scalable and resilient infrastructure using containerization
P1 - Must Have FEA507 Manage cloud-based infrastructure
P1 - Must Have FEA515 Automate tests for frontend and backend code
P1 - Must Have FEA404 Enforce secure coding practices
P2 - Important FEA407 Control access to the server
P2 - Important FEA517 Maintainable Documentation
P2 - Important FEA201 Export data to CSV from the database
P2 - Important FEA506 Implement automated build and deployment pipeline
P2 - Important FEA405 Implement automated security testing pipeline
P3 - Nice to Have FEA202 Implement data analytics pipelines for traffic data
P3 - Nice to Have FEA502 Establish different development environments
P3 - Nice to Have FEA406 Harden all the containers

Functional requirements of the service

ReqID Description Affected feature?
FUNC-REQ-C0002 Securely authenticate user accounts FEA102
FUNC-REQ-C0003 Create user account FEA103
FUNC-REQ-C0013 Save user data in Database FEA103
FUNC-REQ-C0015 Export data to csv from the database FEA201
FUNC-REQ-C0019 Implement data analytics pipelines for traffic data FEA202
FUNC-REQ-C0005 Implement security scanning within a pipeline FEA403
FUNC-REQ-C0023 Enforce secure coding practices FEA404
FUNC-REQ-C0018 Implement a pipeline that runs security tests FEA405
FUNC-REQ-C0022 Harden all the containers FEA406
FUNC-REQ-C0013 Adjust security settings for the server FEA407
FUNC-REQ-C0020 Different environments for development and production FEA502
FUNC-REQ-C0006 You have to be able to dockerize the software FEA505
FUNC-REQ-C0017 Implement automated build and deployment pipeline FEA506
FUNC-REQ-C0007 Use CSC Pouta for this project FEA507
FUNC-REQ-C0009 Automate tests for frontend and backend code FEA515
FUNC-REQ-C0001 Manual Testing FEA516
FUNC-REQ-C0014 Maintainable Documentation FEA517
FUNC-REQ-C0021 Account for staging and production environments in deployment pipeline FEA506

Software / service non-functional requirements

Performance Requirements

ReqID Description
PERF-REQ-0000 Login is possible for 100 users at the same time (100 request/s)
PERF-REQ-0001 The traffic data on the map should update quickly, with minimal delay
PERF-REQ-0002 The application should load the initial map view promptly upon user interaction
PERF-REQ-0003 The application should handle a large number of cities and traffic data points without performance issues
PERF-REQ-0004 Zooming and panning across the map should be smooth and responsive.
PERF-REQ-0005 The application should perform well on various devices and screen sizes

Security Requirements

ReqID Description
SEC-REQ-0001 The password must use at least MD5-level encryption, as required by the XY112 standard
SEC-REQ-0002 Regularly update and patch the application's software components and libraries to address known security vulnerabilities

Availability Requirements

ReqID Description
USAB-REQ-0000 Font should be size at 16pt
USAB-REQ-0001 User interface should be visible in high contrast mode
USAB-REQ-0002 User should be able to use dark mode in the application
USAB-REQ-0003 User should be able to text search for a specific city
USAB-REQ-0004 Traffic Visualizer application should be as user-friendly as possible
USAB-REQ-0005 Display real-time traffic data from reliable and up-to-date sources
USAB-REQ-0006 Provide historical traffic data that allows user to predict where traffic jams might happen
USAB-REQ-0007 The application should have clear and intuitive navigation menus

Accessability Requirements

ReqID Requirement Description
ACC-REQ-0000 Keyboard Accessibility All functionality must be operable through a keyboard interface.
ACC-REQ-0002 Text Alternatives Provide text alternatives for any non-text content.
ACC-REQ-0003 Time-based Media Provide alternatives for time-based media, such as captions for videos.
ACC-REQ-0004 Adaptable Content must be presented in ways that can be perceived by all users, including those with disabilities.


Quality Assurance

Preliminary Acceptance Tests

AcceptanceTestId Feature Feature Description
ACCTEST001 FEA516 Verify functionality of manual testing.
ACCTEST002 FEA102 Verify secure authentication process for user accounts.
ACCTEST003 FEA103 Verify functionality to save favorite LAM stations to user account.
ACCTEST004 FEA403 Verify regular scanning for known security vulnerabilities.
ACCTEST005 FEA505 Verify configuration of scalable and resilient infrastructure using containerization.
ACCTEST006 FEA507 Verify management of cloud-based infrastructure.
ACCTEST008 FEA515 Verify automation of tests for frontend and backend code.
ACCTEST010 FEA407 Verify access control to the server.
ACCTEST011 FEA517 Verify maintainability of documentation.
ACCTEST012 FEA201 Verify functionality to export data to CSV from the database.
ACCTEST014 FEA506 Verify implementation of automated build and deployment pipeline.
ACCTEST015 FEA405 Verify implementation of automated security testing pipeline.
ACCTEST016 FEA202 Verify implementation of data analytics pipelines for traffic data.
ACCTEST017 FEA502 Verify establishment of different development environments.
ACCTEST018 FEA406 Verify hardening process of all the containers.
ACCTEST019 FEA404 Enforce secure coding practices.

Software architecture, placement view, database description, and integrations

Application architecture diagram


CD/CD Deployment diagram

uml diagram

Technology choices

Name Description Component
React Frontend JavaScript library/framework Frontend Database for live data and recent archival data Backend
MongoDB Database for archival data Backend
Digitraffic External data source for Finland's traffic data Backend
TypeScript Programming language Frontend/Backend
Docker Containerization platform for software components Backend
Node.js JavaScript runtime environment Backend
Express Web server that runs Node.js Backend

Standards and sources

ID Category
JHS 165 ICT Requirement specification
SO 9241-11 Usability
ISO9001 Quality management
Leaflet.js Tool/Library Tool/Library Database
MongoDB Database
Digitraffic External data source
Docker Containerization platform
TypeScript Programming language
React Frontend JavaScript library/framework
Node.js JavaScript runtime environment