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End User 2 - Profile 002


Name and Background

This profile represents an end-user aged between 21-65. The individual is a tourist seeking efficient routes to explore city attractions without the hassle of traffic congestion.

Motivation for Service

The customer's primary motivation is to find the least traffic-jammed routes in the city. As a tourist, they aim to optimize their vacation time by minimizing delays caused by traffic. Time-saving is crucial, and the customer prioritizes efficient routes to visit city attractions without unnecessary interruptions.


  • Efficiency: The customer values efficient routes that allow them to make the most of their vacation time without being stuck in traffic.

  • User Experience (UX): The user emphasizes a positive and user-friendly experience while using the traffic visualizer service.


  • User Knowledge: This specific user has no prior knowledge of how to use a traffic visualizer. However, they can easily utilize our services because of its user-friendly design.

  • Time Valuable: The user finds their time extremely valuable and seeks a service that helps them optimize their itinerary by avoiding traffic delays.