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End User 1 - Profile 01


Name and Background

Profile: End User 1
Age Group: 25-50
Background: This person represents an end-user.

Motivation for Service

This individual's primary motivation for using the service is to simplify her daily commute. The key motivations include:

  • Driving without Traffic Jams: She aims to drive to work without worrying about traffic jams. The traffic visualizer helps her find the best route, ensuring a smoother and less stressful commute.

  • Time-Saving Priority: Time-saving is a top priority for her. By using the traffic visualizer, she can prioritize finding the most efficient route to work, avoiding traffic congestion, and reducing overall commute time.


  • Clarity: Clarity is crucial for this end user. She values a clear and straightforward presentation of information, which helps her make informed decisions about her commute.


  • Familiarity with Maps: Having used maps before, this user has a basic understanding of how the traffic visualizer works.

  • Commutes in the Dark: She often commutes when it's dark outside, indicating a need for a user interface that accommodates low-light conditions.

  • Light Sensitivity: Her eyes are sensitive to light, suggesting a preference for interfaces that are easy on the eyes.

  • Dislike Cluttered UIs: This user prefers clean and uncluttered user interfaces, enhancing her overall user experience.

  • Commutes to Another City: Her commute involves traveling to another city, making route optimization particularly valuable.