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FEA502 - Establish different development environments

Feature ID FEA502
Subsystem the feature is part of EP05 - Backend/Infrastructure
Responsible person Matias Korpela
Status Implemented


This feature enables the establishment of different environments for development and production. This ensures thorough testing before releasing increments, facilitating smooth and controlled deployments.

ID Description
Use Case 1 Test changes before deployed to production
FUNC-REQ-C0020 Different environments for development and production
FEA506 Related feature: Implement automated build and deployment pipeline

Preliminary user stories

  • US020 As a developer, I want to have different environments (staging, testing, production) with automated deployments to ensure smooth and controlled releases. At least staging and production so the increment can be tested before delpoying. #78

User interface mock-up


Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0020 Ops