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FEA407 - Control access to the server

Feature ID FEA407
Subsystem the feature is part of EP04 - Security and Authentication
Responsible person Team Cven
Status Done


This feature aims to set up restrictions on who can access the server and what kind of traffic is allowed on the server.

ID Description
FUNC-REQ-C0013 Adjust security settings for the server

Preliminary user stories

  • US057 As a security specialist I want to have controls over who can access the server, SSH / MFA / don't allow root login / etc. #76

User interface mock-up



Limiting traffic was done by setting security groups in the CSC settings for the server. Security Groups are effectively a collection of firewall rules. Severak rules were created to allow SSH, ping and web traffic to the VMs:

Security Groups

SSH connection to the VMs is possible by connecting to their public IP/DNS name. A private SSH key must be used for authentication as password authentication is not possible:


Different keys were created for development and production environments. In addition, root login is not allowed:

No root login

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0013