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FEA406 - Harden all the containers

Feature ID FEA406
Subsystem the feature is part of EP04 - Security and Authentication
Responsible person SEC
Status Done


This feature enhances the security posture of the Tukko - traffic visualizer's containerized environment. It aims to mitigate various security risks by implementing Docker container hardening best practices. The primary focus has been to:

  • Run containers with non-root users to minimize the potential damage from a container compromise.
  • Limit container capabilities to the bare minimum required for operation, thereby reducing the attack surface.
  • Prevent the privilege escalation which could allow attackers to gain more privileges than initially granted.
  • Set resource limits on containers to avoid system resource exhaustion, which could be used in denial of service attacks.
ID Description
FUNC-REQ-C0022 Harden all the containers

Preliminary user stories

  • US056 As a security specialist I want to harden all the containers.#81

User interface mock-up

Implementation Details

Running Containers with Non-Root Users * Modified the Dockerfile for both frontend and backend services to create a non-root user. * Ensured that containers are running as this non-root user by default.

Limiting Container Capabilities * Updated the docker-compose.yml file to include cap_drop: ALL directive, which ensures no default capabilities are granted to any container.

Preventing Privilege Escalation * In the docker-compose.yml file, added no-new-privileges: true to ensure that no process within the container can gain additional privileges beyond what was assigned.

Setting Resource Limits * Defined memory and CPU usage limits within the docker-compose.yml to prevent any container from consuming excessive system resources.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0022