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FEA405 - Implement automated security testing pipeline

Feature ID FEA405
Subsystem the feature is part of EP04 - Security and Authentication
Responsible person DEV/OPS
Status Done


This feature involves setting up a system that automatically runs security tests. It allows for the detection and solution of security issues quickly. With this feature, developers can continuously check the security of their software throughout its development. It improves the overall security of the software. This feature is related to FEA403

ID Description
FUNC-REQ-C0018 Implement a automated security testing

Preliminary user stories

  • US019 As a developer, I want to have an automated security testing pipeline that detects and reports security issues during the development process.#75

User interface mock-up

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 C0005 DEV