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FEA403 - Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities

Feature ID FEA403
Subsystem the feature is part of EP04 - Security and Authentication
Responsible person DEV/SEC
Status Done


This features goal is to implement scanning for known security vulnerabilities in an automated way, eg. with pipelines.

ID Description
FUNC-REQ-C0005 Implement security scanning within a pipeline

Preliminary user stories

  • US017 As a developer, I want to regularly scan the codebase and dependencies for known security vulnerabilities and address them promptly., Check for known CSEs. #74
  • US019 As a developer, I want to have an automated security testing pipeline that detects and reports security issues during the development process.#75

User interface mock-up

The following picture shows the pipeline stages. The security scanning was added to the existing pipeline script. The type of scanning implemented is SAST. The projects normally use a gitlab runner set up in CSC Pouta. The security scanning is done on a shared runner. This can be choosen by adding the runners tag to a pipeline stage to determine which one is executing it.

The scanning results can be seen in the individual frontend and backend projects in Gitlab under Secure -> Vulnerability report.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 C0005 DEV