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FEA103 - Save favourite LAM stations to user account

Feature ID FEA103
Subsystem the feature is part of User Interface and Accessibility
Responsible person DEV
Status Done


This features involves: * creating a user account system * saving favorite LAM stations * saving user accounts and favorite stations in a Database * managing secure access to user accounts data

ID Description
FUNC-REQ-C0003 Create user account
FUNC-REQ-C0013 Save user data in Database
Use case 1 Save favorite LAM stations

Preliminary user stories

  • US005 As a user, I want to save some favourite LAM stations to my account. #73

User interface mock-up

  • Mockup:

LAM Stations Mockup

  • Implementation:

Save LAM Stations

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 C0013
Testcase 2 C0013