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FEA102 - Securely Authenticate User Accounts

Feature ID FEA102
Subsystem the feature is part of User Interface and Accessibility
Responsible person Developer
Status Done


Securely authenticate user accounts. As a customer, I want secure authentication mechanisms, such as password hashing and session management, to protect user accounts.

To enhance user account security, we use bcrypt and a salt to hash the passwords before storing them.

ID Description
FUNC-REQ-C0002 Securely authenticate user accounts
Use-Case Login and Register

Preliminary user stories

  • US02 As a customer, I want secure authentication mechanisms, such as password hashing and session management, to protect user accounts.#68

User interface mock-up

Example of usernames where passwords are hashed

Screenshot of User account icon

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Write down some notions for testing

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 FUNC-REQ-C0002 SEC