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Risk Management Plan

RISK ID Description Severity Probability Action in case the risk escalates
RIS01 Team member gets sick S3 3 Inform other team members
RIS02 Insufficient resources or budget constraints S2 3 Reallocate resources, identify cost-saving measures, or negotiate for additional resources to meet project requirements.
RIS03 Key team member leaves the project S4 4 Assess the impact on the project, redistribute responsibilities, and consider recruitment or knowledge transfer if necessary.
RIS04 Inadequate documentation or knowledge transfer S4 3 Establish proper documentation practices, encourage knowledge sharing, and conduct regular knowledge transfer sessions.
RIS05 Lack of sufficient testing or quality assurance S2 4 Review and improve testing processes, allocate dedicated resources for quality assurance, and conduct thorough testing at all stages.
RIS06 Changes in project requirements or objectives S3 3 Conduct impact analysis, engage stakeholders for requirement clarification, and adjust project plans accordingly.
RIS07 Security vulnerabilities in the chosen technologies S3 3 Regularly update and patch the software components, perform security audits, and follow best practices to mitigate potential security risks.
RIS08 Overreliance on a specific technology, key individual, or critical process without backup or redundancy can pose significant risks to project continuity (Single Point of Failure) S2 3 Implement redundancy measures as backup plan
RIS09 Failure to design for scalability or accommodate future growth can result in performance issues or system limitations. 2 3 Conduct load testing and performance optimization, implement scalability strategies, and monitor system performance regularly to identify and address any bottlenecks.
RIS10 Team member leaves the project 3 2 Team mmbers will be informed. Plans and workload are adjusted to the new team size.

Severity descriptions

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Major - Total show stopper
S2 Significant impact on project progress
S3 Moderate impact, manageable
S4 Minor impact, minimal disruption
S5 No immediate affect, to be observed