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Project plan

Document Project Plan
Author: Aleksandr Skakun, Nuutti Viita-aho
Version: 1.0
Date: 02/02/24

1. Assignment

1.1 background and starting points

This project aims to develop an open-source service called “Tukko 1.1” for our client, Combitech Oy. Combitech Finland gave the initial assignment for Tukko in WIMMA Lab 2023 for Team IoTitude. They are now collaborating with JAMK, and there is a new assignment for future implementations for Tukko. The project is a part of the Future Factory-course at JAMK and is implemented within the OPF framework TTOS2070 guideline of the Institute of Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences. Scheduling is done in two-week sprints, and progress is kept track of with Gitlab’s issue boards.

1.2 Goals and tasks

The main goal of the project is building upon the existing foundation of the Tukko - Traffic Visualizer project, expanding its functionalities and addressing unfulfilled ideas due to previous time constraints. The goal is to enhance the capabilities of Tukko by introducing new features, improving existing functionalities, and aligning the project with stakeholder expectations.

1.3 Limitations and interfaces

In this section, we will define the limitations and interfaces of the Tukko 1.1 project. This includes specifying any external components or factors that may restrict or impact the implementation of the project. Additionally, we will identify any specific task cases that are not within the scope of this project but may be associated with the overall mission.


1. External System Interfaces: Digitraffic API: Tukko relies on the Digitraffic API for real-time traffic data. Any changes or disruptions in this API could affect the functionality of Tukko. Third-Party Mapping Tools: Tukko utilizes mapping tools and plugins for visualization. Updates or changes in these tools may impact the mapping functionality.

2. Operating Environment: Browser Compatibility: Tukko is designed to be accessed through web browsers. The project must ensure compatibility with popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Device Compatibility: The user interface should be responsive and compatible with various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

3. Time Constraints: Project Timeline: The project operates within a set timeline. Delays may occur due to unforeseen challenges, but the goal is to adhere to the defined timeline as closely as possible.


1. API Communication: Digitraffic API: Tukko communicates with the Digitraffic API to fetch real-time traffic data. The interface between Tukko and Digitraffic should be robust and capable of handling various data scenarios.

2. Map Visualization Libraries: The project will utilize map visualization libraries or APIs to display the traffic data on an interactive map interface. Integration with these libraries will be necessary to render the visualizations effectively.

3. User Interface: Browser Compatibility: Tukko interfaces with web browsers for user interaction. The user interface should be intuitive and responsive across different browsers.

These interfaces outline the points of interaction between Tukko and external components or stakeholders, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of how the project interacts within its ecosystem.

1.4 Rights and IPR

The rights and intellectual property rights (IPR) related to the project are governed by the project agreement. Unless specifically addressed in a separate agreement, the rights associated with the project will be in accordance with the terms specified in the project plan.

1.5 terms and definitions

Within this section, we present the meanings, terms, and abbreviations utilized in the project plan to foster a shared understanding and prevent any potential confusion. Establishing a common ground for terms is vital for smooth communication among the Client, the organization, and our project team (Cven).

Some significant challenges revolve around resource management. This involves ensuring we have the right people and tools for the job, all while adhering to project timelines. It's akin to skillfully juggling different elements simultaneously – a task that demands effective planning. Another aspect is the integration of diverse technologies. Aligning everyone's perspectives on how these technologies should work together is crucial.

2. Project organization

2.1 Organization

Structure of Project Organization in MindMap form

uml diagram

2.2 Responsibilities and decision-making process

Project Group

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Matias Korpela Backend development, customer integration Cven
Nuutti Viita-aho Security management, data protection Cven
Ummar Ahmed Quality assurance, testing protocols Cven
Aleksandr Skakun Cross-functional support, project management Cven
Megan Spielberg Software development, feature implementation Cven
Kalle Vaimare Leadership, strategic planning Cven

The project group consists of team members from Cven who will be responsible for various tasks related to the development and testing of the project.

Board Members

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Sini Karvonen Scrum Master Combitech Oy
Jarmo Luostarinen Scrum Master Combitech Oy
Reima Parviainen Product Owner, Client Representative Combitech Oy

Support Group

The Support Group plays a crucial role in our project, offering guidance and assistance to the project team. This group includes stakeholders such as customer representatives and external consultants.

2.3.Project Steps and Financial Objectives

The project will follow a predetermined schedule and resource plan, guaranteeing the timely execution of tasks with the available resources. Ongoing monitoring and assessment will be conducted to monitor progress, identify any deviations, and make necessary adjustments for efficient achievement of project objectives.

2.4.Quality verification

Quality verification in the project encompasses various methods, adherence to standards, approval procedures, change management protocols, documentation practices, reviews, and risk management strategies. Additionally, there are complementary plans in place to enhance the overall quality assurance process.

2.5.Communication and tracking of project progress

For communication and tracking project progress:

  1. Communication: Discord and Teams will be used as the primary communication platforms for team members and affiliates.

  2. Documentation: GitLab OPF repository will be used for reporting, documentation, and version control in its own repository.

  3. Workspaces: Dedicated workspaces on Discord and Teams will be created for different parts of the project.

  4. Information Storage: Important project details will be shared and stored in the GitLab repository.

2.6.The end of the project

The final product will be handed over to the client or relevant stakeholders in alignment with the project requirements. All project documentation and records will be appropriately filed and stored for future access. Additionally, a detailed project report will be compiled, summarizing the project's objectives, outcomes, accomplishments, challenges, and insights gained.

3. Project's temporal Gates

3.1 Partitioning and Phase

The progress of the project is represented with Gantt chart. It shows different phases with a timeline, while showing the critical points associated with different tasks.

GANT using PlantUML

uml diagram

Project Gates

Each gate describe a certain stage of the project. Further information on the steps, including tasks, workload and details can be found below.

Milestone - Gate 0

The start of the project. It involves project planning and design documentation and creating communication practices with the contracting company. Also, this step includes preliminary familiarization and definition of done.

The Group's web pages is updated , starting to analyze the target area and skills for the project. The project plan will be drawn up in cooperation with the commissioner's representatives.Establish a management team and team member roles.

The phase results are the creation of a group image (name, logo and web page).

Milestone - Gate 1

Familiarization with client's service. Establishing project scope and tasks. Setting up development and production environment.

Crating communication plan, drawing up project plan and requirement specification.

Familiarization with stack and Tukko service repositories.

The phase result is a proposal to the customer with information about scope of the project, cost estimates and signing project contract.

Milestone - Gate 2

Design and implementation of the service, testing and documentation of the features.

Clear reporting of achievements and progress.

Project status report.

By the end of the spring the team can present what was achieved and what reamains to be done. Some of the features should be implemeted and tested. Receive feedback from the customer and implement some fixes (agile development).

Milestone - Gate 3

The development cycle concludes during thid milestone.

Team is ready to present finalized version of the service. All features are implemented and tested. The service is well documented and ready to be presented to customer.

Milestone - Gate 4

Acceptance testing and fixing all the possible problems that are left.

Delivery of the project / release. The team finalizes the project and ready to release the finished build. This phase includes measures to terminate the project.

During the phase, the project team will draw up a project final report. The closing phase results in the final report of the project.

3.2 Project preliminary cost estimate

Presenting a cost estimate with a table:

cost estimation

4. Quality assurance

In ensuring the quality of our project, we adhere to a set of working methods, tools, and standards. The selection of these elements is a collaborative effort, often guided by the commissioner's preferences and client specifications. In the absence of predefined practices, the project team tailors a model derived from the approved template provided by the IT Institute. This customized model is then vetted and sanctioned by the client to ensure alignment with project objectives.

The project, while imposing certain requirements for project monitoring tools and reporting, does not prescribe a rigid methodology. Consequently, a comprehensive plan is formulated to address the effective utilization of these tools, accommodating the unique needs and preferences of the project team.

To maintain clarity in information and version management, a systematic approach is adopted. As the project progresses, various versions of the project plan and other key documents are systematically archived, creating a historical record that facilitates retrospective analysis.

In instances where a specific device or software assumes a critical role in project implementation, a designated expert is appointed. This individual possesses an in-depth understanding of the chosen technology, ensuring optimal utilization within the project context. Key elements to be designed and documented include:

Working Methods: Clearly defined approaches to tasks and problem-solving.

Instruments: Tools and resources leveraged for project development.

Instructions: Guidelines and procedures governing various aspects of the project.

Standards: Established benchmarks and criteria for project deliverables.

This comprehensive quality assurance framework ensures that the project progresses smoothly, adhering to the highest standards and best practices throughout its lifecycle.

4.1 Approval of intermediate and results

Within our project, the approval process for intermediate results is systematically structured:

Project Developers: Responsible for crafting interim deliverables, including software components and features.

Quality Assurance: Conducts assessments to verify the quality and functionality of intermediate outcomes, ensuring compliance with established standards.

Team Leader: Manages project progress and reviews the work of the development and quality assurance teams to ensure alignment with project goals.

Combitech Oy Representative: As the client's representative, reviews and approves interim results, ensuring they meet specified requirements and expectations.

This collaborative validation and approval process ensures a comprehensive evaluation of interim results, guaranteeing quality and alignment with project objectives.

4.2 Manage changes

Within our project, the change management process is a comprehensive approach that starts with the identification of proposed changes. These changes are carefully assessed for their potential impact on project practices or outcomes. Decisions are made collaboratively, considering the overall project goals and objectives.

Following the decision-making phase, a detailed plan is formulated to guide the implementation of approved changes. Effective communication strategies are employed to ensure all stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the change process. This includes transparent and timely updates to keep everyone aligned with the evolving project dynamics.

As changes are implemented, ongoing monitoring mechanisms are in place to track their execution and assess their effectiveness. This iterative approach allows for continuous improvement and adaptation, ensuring that the project remains flexible and responsive to evolving needs and circumstances.

4.3 Documentation

In our project, documentation plays a crucial role, and we employ various tools for efficient management. GitLab serves as a central repository for code-related documentation, ensuring version control and collaborative contributions. Additionally, the Open Project Framework (OPF) is utilized for test documentation, enhancing transparency in the testing process.

Maintaining the OPF project page is streamlined through GitLab, providing a comprehensive overview of project progress and milestones. Version control and related purposes are further addressed through a dedicated GitLab repository.

This approach ensures a well-organized and accessible documentation system, promoting clarity and collaboration within the project.

4.4 Risk management

4.5 Reviewing Policy

The project incorporates a systematic performance review process outlined in the implementation plan. A schedule of reviews is established, providing provisional timelines, topics of discussion, participants involved, and the prescribed methods for delivering review materials. This structured approach ensures a comprehensive and timely evaluation of project performance, fostering effective communication and continuous improvement.

4.6 Complementary plans for the project plan

4.7 Plans for review and updating

The project plan remains dynamic, responsive to deviations, and environmental changes, necessitating updates throughout the project lifecycle. Key milestones for plan review and updates are recorded, ensuring regular assessments and adjustments, with a minimum periodicity for plan reassessment clearly defined.

5. Communication and tracking of project progression

5.1 Communication Plan

For the Tukko project team decided to use Teams as a main channel for internal communication. In addition, Discord is used for communication with product owner as well as coaches and scrum master.

Also, Zoom meeting are organized twice a week to keep everyone updated on current project status and expected progress.

To ensure consistent passing of information, team organizes Scrum meetings twice a week on Mondays and Fridays.

The full information can be found in Communication Plan

6. The end of the project

6.1 Delivery of the end product, introduction

The culmination of the project involves documenting the final product comprehensively. This phase may encompass customer introduction, along with potential installation or commissioning services. If the educational aspect is significant, such as when end-users are unfamiliar with the system's operations, a training plan for the customer is included. Additionally, the project plan accounts for installation and deployment plans when deemed necessary.

6.2 Taxation of the project produced by the project, archiving and retention period

The handling of project-generated documents involves storing the relevant documentation in the OPF page. Collaboratively with the assistant, an agreement may be reached on which documents can be retained for future projects. Usually, critical documents such as different plans and the final report are identified as essential components for future reference and are appropriately archived.

6.3 Official termination of the project

The project's official termination will be determined by specific criteria, including the expiration of the project contract, successful completion of deliverables, customer acceptance, or the conclusion of the warranty period. The agreed-upon termination conditions will be clearly communicated and strictly adhered to, ensuring a well-defined and organized conclusion to the project.

6.4 Termination

The project closure will typically involve a joint closure seminar where participants and the schedule are documented. In Finland, the project team may also organize a sauna event as a unique and informal way to celebrate the project's conclusion.

6.5 Project Final Report

The project's final report will be compiled during the last management team meeting, summarizing key aspects and outcomes of the project.