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Definition of Done

What is Definition of Done?

The Definition of Done (DoD) is a collectively acknowledged set of standards that indicate the completion of a task or objective. It provides a mutual agreement among team members, confirming that all essential actions have been executed to produce a result of satisfactory quality. While the exact stipulations can differ depending on the project's specifics and framework, they generally encompass the following:

1.Pair review: The work itself has been reviewed by atleast two of the team members and is established to be up to standards.

2.Testing: The necessary testing protocols, which include unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests, have been carried out successfully, with the work meeting all the corresponding testing criteria.

3.Documentation: The team documents all that is necessery: user guide, technical specifications, or API documentatio, everything has been created or updated to show all the changes made.

4.Implementation in version control: The code or related artifacts associated with the task have been successfully committed or integrated into the relevant version control system, guaranteeing effective tracking and version management

5.Together reviewed: The team has collaboratively examined the work, providing an opportunity for feedback, further clarification, and the detection of any possible concerns or areas for enhancement

6.Additional project Criteria: Based on the unique demands and objectives of the project, additional specific benchmarks may be required to be achieved prior to deeming the task complete. Such benchmarks are to be determined and consented to by the team, forming part of the Definition of Done.

By abiding to the Definition of Done, the team ensures each and every task is completed to a satisfactory level, encouraging openness, teamwork, and the provision of top-notch results.