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Sprint 04

Status of sprint 4 Date 22.03.2024

What has been achieved

  • Integration and study of Static Application Security Testing (SAST) with GitLab CI/CD, along with making backend runnable locally and enhancing security through modifications to the docker-compose file.

  • Implementation and documentation of various features (FEA407, US057 for security scanning, US02 for user accounts, FEA201) along with improvements to requirement specifications and feature documentation.

  • Extensive work on project documentation, including updating the team page, fixing a PlantUML diagram, updating the current status page, and preparing a Project Status Check PowerPoint presentation.

  • Engagement in learning and applying new technologies and methodologies, such as TypeScript, frontend architecture, MongoDB, manual and automated testing, and Agile development practices.

  • Collaboration in creating requirement specifications, refining issue descriptions, and testing features to ensure functionality and security.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Roadmap needed to be adjusted

Next steps

Move to Sprint 5