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Status of sprint 01 Date 29.02.2024-09.02.2024

What has been achieved

  • Familiarization with Docker
  • Set up frontend CI/CD pipeline for development side
  • Install docker layer on Dev CSC machine
  • Created a Gitlab runner
  • Frontend up and running
  • Backend up and running
  • Feature planning and update documentation
  • Updating Risk Management plan
  • Updating Requirement specification
  • Added customer profile pages
  • Improving team's homepage in core
  • Update Project plan
  • Added cost estimation
  • Created project mind map
  • Created individual feature pages
  • Updated Communication plan
  • Created stakeholder map

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No problems for this sprint.

Next steps

  • Building CSC development/test/production platform
  • Quality assessment
  • Move to Sprint 02