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Status of sprint 00 Date 15.01.2024-26.01.2024

What has been achieved

  • Team members familiarized themselves with the project
  • Assigned roles to team members
  • Created Definition of Done
  • Created GitLab issues for Sprint 00
  • Created Issue Boards for all sprints
  • Created milestones and assigned issues to them
  • Updated team webpage
    • added team member information
    • added team pictures
    • created team logo
  • Worked on project documentation
  • Familiarized ourselves with Agile development
  • Studies CSC platform
    • created new project and enabled Pouta service
    • created virtual machines
    • added floating IP and firewall rules
    • added SSH key authentification
  • Studied customer company
  • Familiarized ourselves with Tukko service
  • Forked Tukko backend and frontend to our home repository

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Creating CI/CD pipline for development and production
  • Team specific agile assesment

Next steps

  • Creating CI/CD pipeline
  • Move to Sprint 01